The Myth of the Missing Black Father: The Persistence of - download pdf or read online

By Roberta Coles

Common stereotypes painting black fathers as being principally absent from their households. but whereas black fathers are much less most likely than white and Hispanic fathers to marry their kid's mom, many proceed to dad or mum via cohabitation and visitation, supplying caretaking, monetary, and different in-kind support.

This quantity captures the which means and perform of black fatherhood in its many manifestations, exploring two-parent households, cohabitation, unmarried custodial fathering, stepfathering, noncustodial visitation, and parenting by means of nuclear family participants and acquaintances. participants study ways in which black males understand and decipher their parenting tasks, paying cautious consciousness to psychosocial, monetary, and political components that impact the facility to mum or dad. Chapters examine the variety of African American fatherhood with damaging portrayals in politics, academia, and literature and, via qualitative research and unique profiles, illustrate the fight and cause of many black fathers to be in charge caregivers. This assortment additionally contains interviews with daughters of absent fathers and concludes with the results of convinced coverage judgements on dependable parenting.

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The Myth of the Missing Black Father: The Persistence of Black Fatherhood in America by Roberta Coles

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